You likely knew Wade Westin from the Medora Musical.
Music was a passion. So was family, and North Dakota.
He was a Burning Hills singer for five years. Then he served as host for two years--known fittingly as Gentleman Wade.
Most recently he's held the position of marketing and public relations coordinator for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation.
But its Wade's character--his kindness, integrity, and class that live on in all who knew him.
He was a spokesman for our state--especially Medora and the magnificent badlands.
He made it a point to live here--and raise his family here.

I was struck by an article written about Wade in North Dakota Business Watch. Someone told him how nice his grandpa was. Wade says he thought--forget fame and fortune, that's how I want to be a nice person. Mission accomplished. I know of no finer man.
Our nations second president shares Wade's view of life. John Adams wrote that he recognized at an early age that happiness came not from fame and fortune, "and all such things," but from "an habitual contempt of them."
I got to know Wade through numerous stories and interviews. I had the priviledge of mountain biking with him in the badlands and golfing Bully Pulpit.
Many of us at KX new Wade well. Marci Narum says she'll remember his smile, his warmth--and unassuming charm.
Lauren Kalberer remembers him as caring, kind, and giving.
It didn't matter if you knew him for five minutes or 5 years--in all cases he was genuine.
Brad Feldman remembers a meeting he had with Wade this last August. After the cameras were off Wade took the time out of his hectic schedule to just talk and ask how things were going. He genuinely cared about everyone he met.
Juan Thomas says he was warmhearted and caring. Amen.

Wade's funeral is scheduled for Wednesday morning at 10:30am at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
We already miss you, Wade.
Your wife and children, and families are in our prayers
In the same spirit that you celebrated North Dakota, we honor your life.
Happy Trails.