June 6th is my birthday. It's also the day North Dakotan's Travis Van Zoest and Curtis Mehrer died serving their country. They lost their lives in 2006 in Afghanistan.
I'm thinking about them today because of a story I am working on. The All Veterans Memorial on the state capitol grounds honors our fallen soldiers. It was dedicated June 10th, 1989, during our state centennial. On the bronze tablets are names of 4,050 soldiers who gave their lives during our first 100 years of statehood. The problem is, around 200 of those names are mispelled, others were missed (though few), and those from the current conflict are absent.
The 2007 legislative session provided a ray of light. $100,000 dollars was tucked into the Facility Management budget to make things right. The hope was to replace all the panels with proper corrections in time for Veteran's Day, 2008.
Today comes bad news. The price of precious metals is so steep, the project may have to be put on hold. Instead of $100,000, the state now needs $280,000. The price of each panel has skyrocketed from $1,500 to $5,500. The worst case scenario is the 2009 legislative session will be called upon to authorize the difference. It would be a shame to wait that long.
The state has a budget surplus of $200 million, and other reserve funds totaling $400 million. We need to do what's right for our fallen soldiers. The money needs to be found, and found now. These men gave their lives for our country. Van Zoest and Mehrer never got the chance to celebrate their 22nd birthdays. It's the least we can do.
There is another consideration. Soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan may have to wait longer before their names are bronzed. Because of the cost invovled, and the possibility others could lose their lives, those who've fallen in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom may have to wait until the conflits are resolved.
I talked with Van Zoest's mom today. She says the names need to be included immediately. Sheila Richter lost a son June 6th, and all she wants is for his memory to live on in the hearts and minds of those who live. In my mind, and my heart, one cost cleary outweighs the other.
I'm wondering what, if anything, we can do to help this issue? Write our legislators? I graduated law school and am friends with a ND representative. Wonder if he might have some insight....
Another thought...
Fund raising event(s)?
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